Monday, December 17, 2007


1. Denounced pg. 49-unproclaimed deny relations
One government official denounced corruption in the state.
I denounced that my mom is black.

2. Void pg 55- a space or great distance from
He leaps foward into the black viod.
The void between generations is starting to fill.

3. la migra pg 59- means border patrol in spansh
Enrique was captured by what the locals call la migra.
I was scared when i saw the la migrra.

4. Electocuted pg 58- to have a electco current run through your body
Two boys were electrocuted on top of a train.
I was eletrocuted and shortly after the power went out.

5. Lempiras pg 56- is a currencey in money in hondures
She has saved 10,000 lempiras and gave it to young enrique.
I used lempiras to buy bread.

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