Monday, December 3, 2007

Chapter 1 five vocab words

Labyrinth pg. 20-Def: a structure of connecting passage
Sent from Book: The path becomes a labyrinth.
Sent: A maze is a example of a labyrinth

Thwart pg. 6-Def: to block or hinder
Sent from Book: Since the 1990's , Mexicoand the United States have tried to thwart them.
Sent: ray Lewis thwart LT from scoring most of the game.

Idealize pg. 7-Def: to regard envision or represent a ideal
Sent fom Book: Enrique begins to idealize his mother.
Sent: I idealize Mrs. Salter andt the work she has done.

Bleak pg. 4-Def: dreary and somber
Sent from Book: they have a bleak future.
Sent: The shadow looks bleak in the distance.

Contorts pg. 22-Def:to twist or wrench out
Sent from Book: He contorts his face.
Sent: The little boy contorts his face.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi ben,
Please add picture for each voc!